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Questions To Ask Your Managed Review Partner

The cost of review is a significant portion of the total cost of discovery for legal teams and departments. The information produced in discovery is a vital element of any legal matter. In any vendor selection process, asking about cost and experience are table stakes, finding the right partner requires a deeper conversation. When selecting a managed review partner there are four questions to consider:

How do you approach a project?

Understanding how a potential partner approaches a project is an excellent starting point in your decision making process. Many vendors have a standard operating procedure and take a cookie-cutter approach to projects. Having a partner with the experience to create a plan customized to the needs of your project can deliver better outcomes.

Having a managed review partner that can provide meaningful recommendations on project workflows, technology, and staffing models based on the specifics of your matter means your support model will not only support your project, it will be the most effective use of your resources and budget.

How do you manage a project?

Asking about the details of project management helps your team enter into a partnership with a full understanding of what will happen and ensures you are comfortable in the next steps.


Do they have a recommendation on which staffing model is the most effective for your matter? Do they suggest providing reviewers only, an end-to-end review with staffing, tools, and technology, or something in between? When it comes to a review partner, experience matters. Ask who is on your team and their level of experience.


Does your potential partner support on-premise reviews, remote reviews, or a blended model? How do they manage each? While sensitive matters may seem to favor on-premise reviews, remote reviews are increasingly safe and effective.


Given the vast amount of information covered during review, technology is a pivotal part of the process. Ask your potential vendor how they leverage technology, how they train reviewers, and what checks are in place to ensure you are receiving the best product.


Ask a potential partner how they plan to tackle your project. Be sure to understand the timelines, milestones, and check-ins. Who is your point of contact? How will they be communicating with you? Determine if their responses are in-line with your needs. When selecting a partner you want to have enough information to fully understand the progress, but not be so in the weeds that you could have managed it yourself.


Establish in advance how a potential review partner communicates progress and what information is most important to you. Receiving updates on the progress, overturn rates, budget spend and review rates can help you feel confident about your matter.

What security protocols do you follow?

Data security is increasingly important for law firms and legal teams, especially with the sensitive information included in discovery. Ensuring your potential partner takes cybersecurity seriously should be a fundamental part of the process. In case you missed it, we have a bigger discussion around vendor cybersecurity available for review.

Why are you the right Managed Review partner for me?

Answering the questions above is an important part of selecting a managed review partner. We think there is one more question worth asking: why are you the right review partner for me?

While the “right” answer will depend on your project, we think the right partner will take into account the specifics of your work and make thoughtful recommendations to help you achieve your goals on time and on budget.

If you want a partner with a wide Array of experience in providing high-quality, customized litigation support, contact us today!

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