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Employee Spotlight
Luke Riddle

Luke Riddle, Array employee spotlight image

Luke Riddle

Account Executive | Chicago, IL
I enjoy the opportunity to work with clients to find solutions, solve problems, navigate and advocate for innovation, and ultimately empower them and the work they do.
What is your role at Array? What is a typical day like for you?

The majority of my day consists of working alongside clients. This could entail anything from crafting budgets, discussing workflows, keeping clients updated on new technology or services, and overcoming the obstacles of their day-to-day work.

Why do you do this type of work? What do you like about your job?

I do this type of work because I like being at the intersection of law and technology. It’s a very interesting space to be in with a unique blend of personalities and expertise. Most outside of it, still don’t know it even exists. I love my job because I get to help people connect and meet. I enjoy the opportunity to work with them to find solutions, solve problems, navigate and advocate for innovation, and ultimately empower them and the work they do.

What is an example of your most creative or impactful work?

Working with my non-profit/pro-bono clients and smaller law firms. The amount of legal expertise and passion these organizations have for what they do is amazing to be a part of. Unfortunately, most don’t have access to the scale or budgets to leverage the much-needed technology and expertise in-house that has become essential in today’s legal landscape. I thoroughly enjoy having the opportunity to help them bridge this gap between budgets, expertise, and technology so that they are all on a level playing field.

What do you think is the “Array Advantage”? Why do clients trust Array?

I think the “Array Advantage” is fairly simple, everyone here truly cares about the clients and their outcomes. Everyone is an expert in their own right and has years of experience which I think really helps in understanding a client’s unique situation and assisting them on a professional and personal level. We aren’t just here for our client’s business, but because we truly care about their success and want them to succeed in all aspects.

Describe Array in five words or less.

Committed, Always Learning, Driven, and Friendly

What are you most likely up to when you are off-the-clock?

Outside of work, you’ll likely catch me attending to my 95lb Golden Retriever/Australian Shepherd mix, Bear. We adopted him about 2 years ago from a local shelter, One-Tail at a Time. He’s a dog of few talents, but has become a grandmaster in “paw” and has a love of vegetables. If you’re familiar with football, it’s a rightfully fit name as he causes me constant headaches, but I still love him day in and day out.

What is something that would surprise people about you?

I share no relation to Luke Skywalker or Tom Riddle.

What is the most recent thing you learned about or taught yourself to do?

Over the last few years, I’ve grown a passion for horticulture. As of now, I care for approximately 20 houseplants. These consist of my 16ft Bird of Paradise, 6ft Monstera, various orchids, and vining plants. You’ll likely catch a glimpse of these at some point during a call. The challenge as I expanded into more exotic and tropical varieties is that I live in a Chicago apartment, which many would consider to be not the ideal environment for such species. It’s been a constant journey of trial and error, with many dead leaves, to nurture and adjust them to this environment.


Our team at Array is supported by industry-leading experts like Luke who consistently apply creativity, dedication and experience in everything they do to solve our clients’ problems and exceed their expectations.

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