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Employee Spotlight
Kim Wayne


Human Resources Specialist | Remote/Georgetown, TX

I think that as a company we all work better and are happier when a task has a clearly defined start point and end point.

What is your role at Array? What is a typical day like for you?

I am the Human Resources Specialist at Array. One of the best parts of being in HR is you never know what is coming your way! A typical day is filled with calls to our team, recruiting new team members, benefits support, participating in team growth, new hires and onboarding, payroll support, and being a sounding board to and for our team (and more!)

I also spend time doing research to provide our team with Federal and State resources and ensure that the company is HR-compliant.

Why do you do this type of work? What do you like about your job?

Human Resources is exciting! Every day I get to work with our team to ensure that we are doing what is best for our team and our clients. I am always learning, and I love being able to pass that knowledge on.

Often, I am the first person someone talks to during exciting parts of their life (marriage, babies, moving) as well as hard parts of their life (bereavement, surgeries, mental health struggles). I am honored that I get to be a part of their experience during these times, and they trust me to provide them with the information they need during seasons of change.

What is an example of your most creative or impactful work?

I love systems. I think that as a company we all work better and are happier when a task has a clearly defined start point and end point. Recently we streamlined the onboarding process and I love that all new hires get a similar experience when starting with Array. It took time to connect everyone together to come to a solution that works across divisions, and I am proud of what we produced.

What do you think is the “Array Advantage”? Why do clients trust Array?

The Array Team cares, and they care deeply. Understanding our client’s needs and wants is important, but so is being a listening ear when they just need to vent.

The same goes for our team. Every member of Array matters and they matter the same regardless of title, total hours worked in a week, and the role they play in the organization.

Describe Array in five words or less.

People first. Always.

What did you do before Array? How do you apply that experience to your work today?

For several years I was an Operations Manager for a big box retail organization. Much of what I did there was to ensure that the location was Human Resources compliant. From there, I managed my own retail stores for several years before moving fully into HR and Client Services in the wedding photography space.

I am so grateful for that experience. At the same time I was learning how to support team members I was learning how to support clients.

People and processes are complex and what works for one person will not work for someone else. I got to stretch my “be adaptive and creative” muscles which allows me to be my best for our team at Array.

What are you most likely up to when you are off-the-clock?

My time away is filled with as much family time as possible. I have two young kids who love to join me and my husband on hikes and (weather permitting) days out on the paddle board. We also love puzzles and board games and spend a good chunk of our days off playing UNO. We also have an amazing cat, Wasabi, that loves as much attention as I can give him.

What is something that would surprise people about you?

I lived in a VERY small town for the first 18 years of my life. It was so small my High School graduating class was only 24 people.

What is the most recent thing you learned about or taught yourself to do?

Professionally, I learned how to utilize Power Automate to autofill an Excel spreadsheet from forms that I have sent out. It’s been awesome to streamline and add a checklist for onboarding. This has ensured that each onboarding team member gets a similar experience!

Personally, I learned that because mammals are highly resistant to fungi (we are too hot) they were able to survive and become dominant after the asteroid hit and wiped out 70% of the species on Earth.

Our team at Array is supported by industry-leading experts like Kim who consistently apply creativity, dedication and experience in everything they do to solve our clients’ problems and exceed their expectations.

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