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Employee Spotlight
Krista Deal


Recruiter | Indianapolis, IN

Our team of professionals want our clients to succeed.

What is your role at Array? What is a typical day like for you?

After I commute from my bedroom, to my kitchen table, I am reaching out to document review attorneys to fill job orders. It’s my responsibility to interview candidates, update our database and collaborate with project management and business development to ensure we are hiring the right talent for each project. 


Why do you do this type of work? What do you like about your job?

Everybody has a path, and I do this work, because this is where my path has led me. I am a paralegal by trade, and in my efforts to grow professionally, and with a little bit of luck, I was hired into a recruiting role for document review. 

What I truly love about my job isn’t necessarily part of my job description. I am social by nature and I genuinely take an interest in the people we hire. Although the attorneys we hire are good at their jobs, document review isn’t their first talent. They are teachers, farmers, veterans, athletes, retired judges, and even doctors. They raise families, some raise chickens. They own microbreweries and B & B’s. They harvest cranberries and volunteer in homeless shelters. They battle cancer. They are what I like about my job.


What is an example of your most creative or impactful work? (Tell us about a time you went above and beyond or met a unique challenge)

As a recruiter, we are often creative with staffing and have to go “above and beyond” to fill job orders, especially the one that calls for 75 attorneys and a weekend to staff it. This is not unique to me, nor could I ever do it alone.

However, I like to think that I am impactful when I can make a document review attorney understand that they are valued. There are so many companies that we compete with, and oftentimes, the attorneys we work with are viewed as “inventory” and not people. I’m not in the business of writing people off when there is a problem. When there is a problem, I listen and we are usually able to find a solution, and establish a lasting, professional relationship.


What do you think is the “Array advantage”? Why do clients trust Array?

Our team of professionals want our clients to succeed. When our clients succeed, we succeed. We are honest, hands-on, and as transparent as possible. We treat our clients the way we would like to be treated. 


Describe Array in five words or less


R  Resourceful

R  Reliable



What did you do before Array? How do you apply that experience to your work today?

Previously, I worked as a paralegal. Understanding the operations of a law firm, and the basic nuts and bolts of litigation, taught me how to be client facing and gave me the basic understanding of the discovery process. Moreso, litigation is not predictable, so being able to shift focus on a dime, while maintaining strong communication and productivity, are key. 


What are you most likely up to when you are off-the-clock?

I am most likely spending time with my husband, and as many kids as I can get to come home, or as of- late, we are at a gymnastics meet. We also have two, sweet chocolate labs. I make it my full-time job, spoiling them rotten.


What is something that would surprise people about you?

I enjoy skydiving.


What is the most recent thing you learned about or taught yourself to do? (does not have to be work related)

My youngest daughter and I taught ourselves how to crochet this past January. We were quarantined with COVID. 

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